viaja con la musica ... - Musica diferente, historias diferentes, ideas, paranoias, fotos, videos, ...

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

I can´t breath,
afraid of the night I´m gonna sleep far from this city.

Far from this place where people is afraid of helping the others.
They can´t help the girl who is crying in a hospital because she doesn´t know speaking our lenguage, so she can´t explain how is the pain that she feels in her broken leg.

Yes, this kind of situations in Donostia, the future county town of culture in 2016.

This kind of situations are all over the world.

I think that never has been another animal in the world who can destroy the place where is living as fast as we are doing.

And the worst thing is that we are destroying ourselves, we are creating machines without feelings. We are becoming stones without the abilities of laugh and cry.

So don´t turn off your feelings, don´t turn off your ideas, don´t take part in this new and big machine factory. Because there is people who is fighting against this new politic and they are closer than you think.

Paint your life with the colours that you feel.

2 comentarios:

TxuNaMi dijo...

por fin alguien da vida a esto! eskerrikasko Irati!!!

somos un virus que le queda una ultima oportunidad para redimirse y cambiar este mundo

Anónimo dijo...

jejeje ya te digo brodá!

Sayonara baby

Sayonara baby